Hi, I’m Karen!
I help simplify accounting + taxes for online business owners.
I wanted the best of both worlds…
My girls were in Kindergarten and I was trying to balance a full-time accounting career, plus being a mom and a wife, and frankly, I didn't really enjoy what I was doing at my job. I wanted more flexibility to be with my girls when they were sick or to volunteer in the classroom or on field trips. I wanted the best of both worlds - stay at home mom AND working home.
My turning point
Finding what I love and what I'm good at (accounting) has allowed me to really pour my knowledge and expertise into my clients and stay home with my family. Being able to take something that seems simple to me and break it down for others so that they get that moment when they can relax and say, "Oh, okay, I get it".
As a business owner, we all have our areas of expertise and what's great about working with other female online business owners is that we can work with others in our community to help us on the areas we struggle with. Every one of us knows what we are good at and what we need help with, whether we want to admit it or not. I want to spend my time doing what I love (accounting) and let some one else do what they love.
My mission
My mission is to help you understand your business finances and your taxes. You will know exactly where your business stands (financially), what the numbers mean, and how the decisions you make impact your business and personal tax situation. Stop feeling overwhelmed and confused when it comes to the numbers of your business. I’ll break it all down for you so that you can spend your time and energy doing what you love.

Organize your business finances
Get the complete guide to the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks you need to manage your business finances.
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Outsource Your Accounting
Leave the numbers to me. Spend your time and energy doing what you love.